Classic Pro

So, Nintendo has a new Wii controller set to release dubbed the "Classic Pro" but before I start the rant I'll give you some background information with me and Nintendo.
*Skip this paragraph if you already know my background with Nintendo*
I was born, big whoop right? Well, I was born with a Super Nintendo and a Nintendo Entertainment System. I did not have to buy either, my sisters had both purchased them for their own pleasure but little did they know, they would soon have an uber geek in the family. So, I spent my childhood exploring the beauty of pixelated graphics and great games. Than, the piece of golden machinery the N64 came out. I played that thing for years on end. I must have beat Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask hundreds of time (my favorite Zelda). Than the holy grail of Nintendo gaming, the Gamecube. Such good titles!! I spent basically my entire life playing Nintendo consoles, never even thinking twice about getting the new one. The Wii came out and like any good fanboy I bought it. I drudged through the boring titles, claiming Super Mario Galaxy, No More Heroes, Geometry Wars and others. Than it all changed for me, I hadn't seen a new good game release on the Wii in months. I tried replaying all my old games but soon found myself out of piles. I moved onto my computer, dropping console gaming for a while, getting more seriously into WoW. Than Christmas came rolling around and I thought "What Wii games do I want?" The stunning answer was none, I didn't want any Wii games out at the moment (spite AC:CF). I than decided I would make the move to a Playstation 3 (reasons not stated) and I am no longer the fanboy I used to be. I have seen Nintendo make the move away from good, challenging, exciting games to games based around "Pick up and play" and fun and "exercise."
*Phew* Now that that's out of the way here is the MAIN idea. Nintendo has come out with a new controller called the "Classic Pro." This controller is pretty much a classic controller with some handles glued onto it and some buttons moved. The idea of this is, I geuss, to continue their backwards-compatability market.
What I don't see with this is why are they just coasting? Nintendo used to be the leader, the head of the pack, the coach of the team, but now they are a childs toy. With their sky rocketing sales they could be experimenting and breaking even newer ground with games geared back towards their core audience but instead they continue coasting on their childs market. It bugs me to the point where I just want to go into Nintendo World and use my Wiimote as a weapon and just beat the crap out of everything.
Nintendo used to be a beacon of light, a shining portal to a gaming world where anything was possible. Where no challenge was easy, no level short, and no game crappy. Now they try and make extra money on their already exessive sales by adding handles to a controller made to bring gamers back to their good days. What has Nintendo come to?
PS: Sorry for long post, Nintendo is a touchy subject for me. Also, sorry I beat around the bush a good deal, I could have made a short simple post but this is more fun on both sides (I hope).
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